Saturday, June 28, 2008

We are all moving too fast forward, stop and take a good look around you. You would realise that things are not the way you've remembered, or thought they were to be.

I was staring out of the window on bus 36 today, on my way to meet my parents for dinner. Strangely, nothing seemed familiar to me. I can might as well be in Hong Kong. Though it was nothing to the extreme of being alien, but it just did not seem like home. It is not just the new physical surroundings. How long has it been since you have taken a good look at your parents. A good long while isn't it? Daddy looked like he has put on 20 years worth of wrinkles and half a head full of white hair. He also no longer has that huge appetite for food that I inherited. Mummy has also put on her fair share of wrinkles, minus the white hair. She has the weary look worn on her face. My parents are growing old, aging. Are yours? (The expensive products, facials that my parents go for are so not working.)
What have you done, I done to cause the crease on their foreheads, what have I done to lessen their worries?

Here are the Steps taken by the Choo Family in times of Inflation.

Mr Choo- 1. Dine in places without GST, service tax.
2. Apply for memberships at stores.
3. Indulge in expensive watches.

Mrs Choo- 1.Buy in-house brands at supermarkets.
2. Ensure that daughter does not tag along during grocery shopping.
3. Keep coupons.
4. Buy expensive treads for knitting.

Miss Choo- 1. Keep ATM card at safely at home.
2. Take lesser taxis. Or at least try to.
3. Shop more during GSS.


1. My pretty aunties and my cousins. Thank you for that expensive lunch and all the angpows. Thank you, Chel for the gift and the trip to you know where and we got lost. Thank you!

2. The TPJCanoeing team. Thank you for all the food that you have made me carry around and the 18 donuts. Thank you, Eunice for the card. Thank you Kahmun for the handcrafted book/card. Thank you WenJie for the stones and cookies.

3. My beloved classmates. Thank you Sab, Sheik, Kamilah for the presents! I loved it. Thank you XinYing for the Chocolates. They were lovely.

4. Cassandra and Qian. Thank you for the presents. It would be funny if we all had the same one!

5. BullionParkers. Thank you for all the well wishes! Even though, May Tan was late. Haha. Daryl was not this year!

In NUTSHELL, thank you thank you thank you. I really appreciated everything! And there is no word/phrase/sentence to express my gratitude.

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