Tuesday, October 9, 2007

disclaimer: this post refers to no one in particular. but if u think im refering to you, then isnt it time to do something about it?

hello elites.
so what if u scored like 250plus for PSLE, gotten like a few stars in your cert and gotten in a better secondary school. hello. wake up call. we got into the same jc didnt we?
so dont give me the im better than u attitude. cause reality check. you are not. we happen to be in the same school. so academic wise. hah. we are in the same league. and comparing that u had a better environment with more resources and opportunitites (you know cause our government is totally bias). and we did like equally well. it only leads me to one conclusion. either im getting smarter or you are getting dumber. so what do u think now, elite?

oh and if you think u deserve to be in the better school, scram. u had a choice and u put TPJC down. so hey. stop whining. make the best out of things!

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