Sunday, June 14, 2009

How do you actually define beauty? Based on something as superficial as looks, or something else with more substance?

Well, here is what I think of beauty. I think the old cliche term, ' Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder' says it all. Sometimes, okay most of the time, I cannot help but just stare at Sam. Like gawk my eyes out looking at him. I admit, he may not be what you would call good looking. But to me. He is beautiful. No one else would be able to carry off the small eyes, geeky specs as well as he can. Does it matter if he has like 6/8 pacs? No. He looks good with one huge family pac. Even his blemishes are a reason why he looks so appealing to me. See, get what I mean by the old cliche saying is spot on, on what I think of beauty?

Anyway, I don't think the saying only applies to like your other halves. It applies to all your friends and family members as well. I mean, think of it this way. Don't all your friends seem imperfectly perfect to you?

For instance, I had just told June her bangs don't really complement her face. But, on second thoughts, she actually looks alright with it. Because she is who she is. She is my friend. No matter what, she still looks perfect. And on top of it, she has the confidence to carry off the bangs. And Cass, well, she is a little on the rounder side. But she is well, perfect to me. She is a huge bundle of joy, literally. Actually, I am not exactly sure if she would look as cute stick thin.

I guess when you have a relationship, any relationship at all. It is important to accept the imperfections of your friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend as well. ( Well, in my opinion, its these little imperfections that make them so perfect.) Because, if you cannot accept these flaws, you cannot even call yourselves friends. You are nothing more than mere acquaintances.

So, only call yourself my friend if you have tolerated my nonsense (I know I'm not the easiest person to be friends with. I'm so sorry for what you all have to go through.) and still love me anyway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yknow i'll always love you aye. (:
