Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Daddy,

The purpose of writing this email is not to trigger an argument with you. I just want you to understand how I look at things from my point of view, as a daughter and as a young adult.

Firstly, I understand your concerns over the overseas trip I proposed. I know that mum and you would be worried. And that I am your only daughter, if anything happens to me, you would be devastated. But, sometimes, I think you have to accept the fact that I am growing older, whether you like it or not. As much as I try not to make you and mum worried, I do need my space and freedom. In my 20 years, I never stayed overnight away from home, over at a friend's place or done anything outrageous or anything that would cause either of you excessively worried about me. Even when I want something, I would work hard to get it myself. I do not ask for anything more than my weekly allowance. So to be honest, I think you brought me up as a responsible, independent and resilient lady. Thus, I do not understand why you would be excessively worried about the overseas trip. And that maybe you should have more trust and faith in me in doing the right thing.

Maybe, you have forgotten how it is like to be young.

Times have changed Daddy, I do not think it is reasonable for you to say that you do not allow me to go because I have yet to be married just cause I am a girl and I cannot travel overseas without parental supervision. Actually, in my opinion, I think that is just a bad excuse.

I know that you are under a lot of stress because you have yet to find a job. And that your savings are dwindling away. You do not think that I should have any unnecessary expenses and give you unnecessary stress. But, I would be paying for my own trip. I toiled for these money Daddy, and all I have spent them on is on school fees and school books. Do you think you can just let me go and enjoy myself for 3 days?

As your daughter, I understand your concerns and constrains because you told me today. But you did not want to listen to what I had to say and I think as I grow older, I want to be heard. If you want me to understand things from your perspective, sometimes you should too, from mine.

Lastly, I just want to remind you that when I was young, you told me to treat you and talk to you as a friend to be open about everything. I think it works both ways. And I think I know why children lie to their parents. I think it is because parents are often unsupportive of their children's actions and shut off all forms of communications about the action because they do not want to hear anymore of it. Think of it this way, if you do not accept the fact that I have a boyfriend, you would not be able to find out what kind of person I spend my time with. Simply because I would not be able to talk to you about him. So, I think it works quite the same way.

Like I said, I do not wish to enter into an argument with you. I just want to let you know how I feel about things and of course hope that you would change your mind about your decision.

I know you love me daddy, and I do too. But, I am growing older. I can fend for myself. You do not have to be so protective towards me.

Thats all I have to say.

Oh and. Do not give up in looking for a job, persevere. Good things come to the people that work hard for it!