Sunday, December 30, 2007

I wonder what's the reason why people just done learn from the living past experiences of their parents lives. No offence or anything but dont they want to walk out of it? Like have a better life compared to their parents since they have lived through it? This is exactly why people live in VICIOUS cycle of poverty huh. Like since my parents have lived like that, its okay for me to live my life like this too. Seriously, i think in that case all the education u have received have been wasted. Since the fact of education is supposed t widen your knowledge and open your minds hence allowing you to improve on yourselves. Isn't it?

I know for a fact that i won't want to life like my parents. I want a better life, for them, for myself.

Monday, December 10, 2007

i look back along the past year. and i dont like what i see. be it my actions, behavior or what so ever. because that isnt who i wanted to be.

this is killing my already deprived childhood.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Guys Think You're Easy to Be With... But Not Easy

You're definitely a flirt - and a good one.
But you also know that you shouldn't make a move on any cute guy who passes by.
You save your seductive moves for someone who already knows the real you.
That way, your sex appeal is just part of the whole package.

the day i pour my sorrows out on my blog. will be the day. everyone will know me well. but that day will never come. cause not everyone is my bestfriend.

theres a thousand and one things i wanna spill.