Monday, May 25, 2009

There are two ways where you can react to bad news.
1. Cry as if your world has crashed and burned.
2. Take it in your stride and move on.

I'm done crying.

Or am I?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

we are all self-centred. do you realise that? what ever little things you do starts with an i. i want to eat sushi tei for dinner. i want to watch angels and demons. even if sometimes, it isnt as literal as this.

well, i do things, mainly because, thats what i want to do. for instance, i have been volunteering at marine parade family service centre for almost 3/4 months now. the reason i enjoy volunteering and am volunteering is because, i enjoy being there. i feel gratified after each lesson. like oohh i have done some good deed. but see, this is what i realise. i didnt see the need to volunteer because the elderly in marine parade needed a cyber guide. they needed a person to close the gap between them and their children, grandchildren. no i didnt.

yesterday at sam's church, they were talking bout allowing God to lead your life. doing stuff that God wants you to do instead of what you want to do. hm.

i guess what im trying to say is that, if we ( or rather i ) do not put ourselves as the main character of our own lives, maybe we would be able to discover what God wants us to do.

okay, i know. this is highly out of character for me. to blog bout God and stuff.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

you know, the typical happy endings in story books and movies are exactly why the reason we read/ watch them. and we watch/ read them, to give ourselves of that little hope that you know, maybe one day in our own pathetic lives, we might have a happy ending. that is why, regardless of how many times that stupid same/ similar plot has been used, you wouldnt mind. you would still read/ watch it.

wheres my happy ending?

Monday, May 4, 2009

for like the past the past 5 months, i have been hooked on the Harry Dresden Files series ( thanks to PeterPoh). in the series, there is this group of characters that are the white court vampires. they are pretty interesting, instead of feeding on human blood like normal vampires ( red/black court ), they feed on humans' emotions. like lust, fear, hunger so forth. they are actually the most human like vampires, they do not like being violent unlike you know, normal vampires, so instead of fighting physically, they scheme and plot. terrifying huh.

but on second thoughts, aren't we all like that? we thrive on others' misfortune, unhappiness and fear ( okay maybe not thrive, that would be exaggerating ). we laugh at our friends when they fall, sometimes when they fail a certain test or exam, their embarrassment when they have done something stupid, etc ( or at least i do ), enjoy watching reality TV because they torment the contestants. for instance, fear factor and the one with the suitcase and hot women ( i can't remember what it i called ), we watch it because we want to watch the reactions of the contestants. it gives us some kind of satisfaction. i don't know why. maybe because we are all born sadistic in nature.

more often than not, we usually tend to forget to regard the feelings of the person that we are laughing at, especially if its our friend(s). i mean those on the reality TV programmes just deserve it, no one asked them to join it. it was their decision to make. ( ha ha. too bad. ) not everyone won't mind being laugh at ( like me ), some tend to be more sensitive than others. and even though, they mind not say it out loud, like "HEY! THAT ISN'T NICE.", i think as friends, we should, i don't know, know our limits? i know its fun to laugh at someone. and constantly remind them of what kinda stupid act they have done. but being the victim most of the times, i know that sometimes, its just way over the line. and not fucking funny.

what makes us different from the white court vampires then? nothing really.