Tuesday, March 27, 2007

school's getting much better. although its unbearable without carina, sarah, huiyi and yewjia. i miss you guys!

canoeing is fun. i suggest everyone should join canoeing!!!

im adapting.

thank god.

Monday, March 19, 2007

i looked like a retainee. hardly any other j1 was in full uniform.

school was fun. better than expected. i was fully prepared to be some loner. met some fun people like kamilla and marin, etc. (im so sorry if i forgotten your name!)

its sorta depressing that there are only like five guys in the class. its well its an improvement from my sec4 class tho.

oh wells. i hope everything will be better tomorrow!

till then, have fun!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

im totally super hyper today. oh wells.

i can never catch lizzy online. so i "stole" the sentosa pictures from her blog! smart move. :]:]

i think the last time i went to sentosa was in 2005? with june, carol, marc, keith, etc.
was it the exco outing where i watched the guys played volleyball. (i totally wasnt included in the game! thanks man.)
i cant remember. oh no.

im basically "baked" from all the tanning i got from sentosa. plus the canoeing training i had the day before. that hongwee even thought i was malay! ah! what an ass. oh wells. the photos!

thats ZION.

oh wells. i have to look good in every picture.

monkeys at sentosa.

us. cam whoring with the sentosa sign. some people missing tho.

adi and sarilla?

lizzy and i?

ZION LIZZY AND I. (lizzy and i had a hard time getting off the bloody sentosa sign.)

unglam shots of me. :[:[

i will miss them!


Friday, March 16, 2007


sentosa trip was fun. im still waiting for lizzy to send me the pics tho.

i shall blog about the zoo trip then. HAHA.

on the way to the zoo.

walking through the massive forest!!

some ramdom animals.

some retarded moments.

more retarded moments.

some interesting signs. if u can read them.

and. i actually saw woody at the zoo too!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

canoeing training was TIRING. but fun though. i havent exercised in like 5 months.

running wasnt the part that killed me. it was the five sets of twenty push ups that equals to a hundred push ups. omg. i almost died. then there was weight lifting!!!

oh wells. i like it.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

i dont know how am i suppose to feel.

i would think myself as inhuman.

i really hope we would still be friends.

i hope canoeing tryouts will be fun. i need some fun.

Monday, March 12, 2007

i cant smile properly.

going out doesnt seem to have the same appeal.

whats wrong with me?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

i was really looking forward to dinner.

i was already feeling bad enough, you didnt have to come rubbing it in further.

i was trying to have hopes, you didnt have to come crashing down on my hopes like this.

it only hurt so bad cause i thought u understood how i felt. how sad i was. and because u were a good friend to me.

Friday, March 9, 2007

im depressed.

its not like i did freaking badly.

i was actually happy with my o level results. but i realised, with my mediocre results, i cant hardly make it into any jc. why is this so? i cant help but to fell that why am i so freaking dumb. like most of my friends made it to like prestige jcs, like acjc, njc and even hwachong. and im like going to oh, tampines jc. i dont know to feel happy or sad. like so many other friends of mine are dying to get in. but im here dying to get out. to just any other random jc. even srjc. or even back to mi. i sorta like the seniors there. at least they are friendly and the dance team there rocks. its not like tpjc sucks. i guess its just me feeling miserable. feeling like im freaking dumb. and that bloody ogl there. I HATE HER. i think if she was of any fun, i would like it there better.

oh what the fuck. im determined to get it all worked out in tpjc. i dont want to be miserable there for a whole 2 years.

im going to cry.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

i should learn to be contented.

im going to miss all the crazy moments at MI. not to mention the great friends i made there.


i miss you guys!